Friday, June 19, 2020

IFRS 9 and IAS 39 Essay - 2475 Words

IFRS 9 and IAS 39 (Essay Sample) Content: Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameProfessorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameSubjectDateIFRS 9 and IAS 39IntroductionLaws and Regulations prevail in almost every field, and it is very important for the organizations to comply with these regulations and standards for their competitiveness and sustainability. Apart from the traditional regulations of managing and maintaining a company, there are certain regulations that specifically associated with the financial management. Entities are required to manage their financial transactions according to the prescribed methods and techniques covered and initiated by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (, p.45). IFRS are designed specifically to serve as a common global language for all the business affairs. Generally, it is used to compare and understand the international boundaries across the organizations. Previously, IFRS known with the name of International Accounting Standards (IAS), however in some of the countries of Euro pean Union, it is still referring with the same name. Both IAS and IFRS are the babies of International Accounting Standard Boards (IASB). Every accounting standard is unique for the company, as every standard has a specific regulation associated with it. This assignment will look over the summarization of some of the major accounting standards, along with mentioning its pros and cons. It is also required to analyze the main reason behind the replacement of IAS 39 to IFRS-9.Analysis and FindingsSummary International Accounting Standard (IAS) 39IAS-39 known as Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement is basically an International Standard for the financial instruments released by the IASB. It was adopted by the European Union (EU) in the financial year 2004, however after a year; EU introduced a new concept of Fair Value in this particular standard to make it firm (, p.55).The standard is used for the measurement and recognition of financial assets, liabilities a nd some other contracts used specifically in the buying and selling of the non-financial items. Organizations basically surround with lots of operational assets and liabilities, which is very important to recognize on their actual value. There are two different types of recognition introduced in IAS-39 known as Fair Value and Historical Value. The concept of Historical Value measurement and recognition obsolete after the current economic crisis of 2008, and later on the concept of Fair Value of assets overcome on it completely. IAS-39 not only pointed out the operational assets, but it also pointed out some of the major financial instruments that include investment in stocks and debt securities. It means that the recognition and measurement of investment and stocks will also initiate and analyzed through this particular accounting standard (, p.67).After the hazards of current economic collapse, many reforms have been taken place in all over the world, and some of the maj or reforms envisaged specifically in the field of accounting standards as well. IAS-39 has been changed into IFRS-9, which will be applicable from the year 2018, and every company is obliged to comply with these standards.International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ 9: OverviewInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)-9 is basically an accounting standard propagated by the IASB. It used to address the accounting for the financial instruments particularly. There are three main topics classified in it known as classification measurement, impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting. It replaced the IAS-39, but it will be applicable on the financial reports of the companies after four years. The version of the IFRS that issued in the year 2014 had superseded all the previous versions. IFRS-9 does not replace the core requirement for the portfolio in terms of fair value of hedge accounting to net off the interest rate risk.IFRS-9 is all about recognition and measurement of the financial instruments, as likely IAS-39 but with some new features and characteristics. The level of valuation and measurement are totally changed in IFRS-9 as compared to IAS-39, and it is specifically made to counter the adverse effects of the economic hardship or economic collapse. IFRS-9 initiated that both Fair Value and Historical value has a direct linkage with the financial position and net income of the company. Though, lots of the board members disagreed on some of the major issues merely to develop the new financial instrument standards (, p.45).IFRS-9 is built specifically on the working of logical and single classification, and worked as a measurement approach for the financial based assets that used to approach the financial assets to manage their cash flow characteristics and features. The final version of the IFRS-9 brings the classification and measurement together along with bringing together impairment and hedge accounting. IFRS -9 came into being to manage the financial assets of the organizations. IFRS-9 has the tendency and ability to provide a remarkable business model through which entities can manage their financial assets that include securities and liabilities (, p.45). A business model usually refers to how an organization manages its financial assets to generate positive cash flow for the company. Financial Assets and Amortization cost are some of the important features that should be included in a business model to recognize and measure the actual value of the assets to be included in the financial assets. The major focus of IFRS-9 is to educate different users of the company about the true financial position of the company. Transparency and clarification are some of the major aspects that specifically stride under the adaptation of IFRS-9 by the companies, because the level of confidence of most of the external shareholders lifted from the organizations after the current economic crisis. There are number of tax evasion faced by the European countries during the current economic hardship due to the implementation of IAS-39, in which most of the organizations donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t put the fair value of their financial assets that will decrease their net income that leads to decrease the amount of taxation as well. European Union has analyzed this issue along with the issue of Shareholderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s confidence, and initiated IFRS-9 to be replaced the already mentioned IAS-39. Hopefully, it will eradicate all the major issues and concerns found in the financial reporting of the companies, and will come up with effective features accordingly.IFRS-9 Came to Replace IAS-39Shareholders are very important for an organization, as they have a direct linkage with the financial position of the companies. Organizations always have a careful consideration towards their shareholders because they have the idea that satisfaction of the shareholders is extremely important for their operat ions. Shareholders mainly concerned with the profitability of the company and with the management of the financial assets as well (, p.66).One of the major concerns that initiated and came over the screen during the current global financial crisis was the irresponsiveness from the companies towards their shareholders. The confidence of the shareholders got blur with the passage of time during the economic hardship. One of the major reasons behind the shaking of confidence of the shareholders is the inappropriate valuation, recognition and management of the financial assets of the companies. Precisely, it can be said that the level of manipulation was extremely high in this particular time period due to which the level of dissatisfaction of the shareholders was on a higher node (, p.70).The financial reporting standards are very much in the favor of satisfying the needs of the shareholders, and that is why they replaced IAS-39 with IFRS-9 because they think that the c hanges will certainly bring positivity in this particular provision. The core working on the replacement of IFRS-9 was accelerated in the response to the financial crisis. Interested parties that also include the G-20 and Financial Advisory Group highlighted the timeliness of the measurement and recognition of the expected loss in credit. Apart from the recognition of credit, it is also highlighted the complexity in the multiple impairment models and own credit issues that needed to be considered. IASB and IFRS worked closed to each other to develop such a perfect impairment and valuation model from which they can satisfy the needs of their shareholders in a best possible manner. The development as well as the replacement of IFRS-9 was not a piece of cake. Throughout the life cycle of this project, IASB has consulted with the shareholders and constituents over their stance of implementing the new standards (, p.45). Lots of shareholders had furnished their concerns over the old IAS-39, because it has lots of flaws in it. Shareholders are concerned with the measurement and recognition of the actual value of the financial assets and included in the financial reports. Shareholders showed their concerns over the stance of the preparation of financial statements along with fluctuation in some of the major financial ratios. Shareholders also furnished that without proper valuation and implementation of fair value of accounting, it is not possible for the shareholders to park their money in the stocks of the company. Shareholders donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t have any idea regarding the total amount of equity of the company along with Return on Equity (ROE).IFRS-9 came into being for the replacement of IFRS-39 to overcome on the problems and issues highlighted by the shareholders. Obviously, without shareholders no organization can sustain for long in an industry, and they required extensive analysis to overcome on the challenges ac... IFRS 9 and IAS 39 Essay - 2475 Words IFRS 9 and IAS 39 (Essay Sample) Content: Studentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameProfessorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s NameSubjectDateIFRS 9 and IAS 39IntroductionLaws and Regulations prevail in almost every field, and it is very important for the organizations to comply with these regulations and standards for their competitiveness and sustainability. Apart from the traditional regulations of managing and maintaining a company, there are certain regulations that specifically associated with the financial management. Entities are required to manage their financial transactions according to the prescribed methods and techniques covered and initiated by International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) (, p.45). IFRS are designed specifically to serve as a common global language for all the business affairs. Generally, it is used to compare and understand the international boundaries across the organizations. Previously, IFRS known with the name of International Accounting Standards (IAS), however in some of the countries of Euro pean Union, it is still referring with the same name. Both IAS and IFRS are the babies of International Accounting Standard Boards (IASB). Every accounting standard is unique for the company, as every standard has a specific regulation associated with it. This assignment will look over the summarization of some of the major accounting standards, along with mentioning its pros and cons. It is also required to analyze the main reason behind the replacement of IAS 39 to IFRS-9.Analysis and FindingsSummary International Accounting Standard (IAS) 39IAS-39 known as Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement is basically an International Standard for the financial instruments released by the IASB. It was adopted by the European Union (EU) in the financial year 2004, however after a year; EU introduced a new concept of Fair Value in this particular standard to make it firm (, p.55).The standard is used for the measurement and recognition of financial assets, liabilities a nd some other contracts used specifically in the buying and selling of the non-financial items. Organizations basically surround with lots of operational assets and liabilities, which is very important to recognize on their actual value. There are two different types of recognition introduced in IAS-39 known as Fair Value and Historical Value. The concept of Historical Value measurement and recognition obsolete after the current economic crisis of 2008, and later on the concept of Fair Value of assets overcome on it completely. IAS-39 not only pointed out the operational assets, but it also pointed out some of the major financial instruments that include investment in stocks and debt securities. It means that the recognition and measurement of investment and stocks will also initiate and analyzed through this particular accounting standard (, p.67).After the hazards of current economic collapse, many reforms have been taken place in all over the world, and some of the maj or reforms envisaged specifically in the field of accounting standards as well. IAS-39 has been changed into IFRS-9, which will be applicable from the year 2018, and every company is obliged to comply with these standards.International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ 9: OverviewInternational Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)-9 is basically an accounting standard propagated by the IASB. It used to address the accounting for the financial instruments particularly. There are three main topics classified in it known as classification measurement, impairment of financial assets and hedge accounting. It replaced the IAS-39, but it will be applicable on the financial reports of the companies after four years. The version of the IFRS that issued in the year 2014 had superseded all the previous versions. IFRS-9 does not replace the core requirement for the portfolio in terms of fair value of hedge accounting to net off the interest rate risk.IFRS-9 is all about recognition and measurement of the financial instruments, as likely IAS-39 but with some new features and characteristics. The level of valuation and measurement are totally changed in IFRS-9 as compared to IAS-39, and it is specifically made to counter the adverse effects of the economic hardship or economic collapse. IFRS-9 initiated that both Fair Value and Historical value has a direct linkage with the financial position and net income of the company. Though, lots of the board members disagreed on some of the major issues merely to develop the new financial instrument standards (, p.45).IFRS-9 is built specifically on the working of logical and single classification, and worked as a measurement approach for the financial based assets that used to approach the financial assets to manage their cash flow characteristics and features. The final version of the IFRS-9 brings the classification and measurement together along with bringing together impairment and hedge accounting. IFRS -9 came into being to manage the financial assets of the organizations. IFRS-9 has the tendency and ability to provide a remarkable business model through which entities can manage their financial assets that include securities and liabilities (, p.45). A business model usually refers to how an organization manages its financial assets to generate positive cash flow for the company. Financial Assets and Amortization cost are some of the important features that should be included in a business model to recognize and measure the actual value of the assets to be included in the financial assets. The major focus of IFRS-9 is to educate different users of the company about the true financial position of the company. Transparency and clarification are some of the major aspects that specifically stride under the adaptation of IFRS-9 by the companies, because the level of confidence of most of the external shareholders lifted from the organizations after the current economic crisis. There are number of tax evasion faced by the European countries during the current economic hardship due to the implementation of IAS-39, in which most of the organizations donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t put the fair value of their financial assets that will decrease their net income that leads to decrease the amount of taxation as well. European Union has analyzed this issue along with the issue of Shareholderà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s confidence, and initiated IFRS-9 to be replaced the already mentioned IAS-39. Hopefully, it will eradicate all the major issues and concerns found in the financial reporting of the companies, and will come up with effective features accordingly.IFRS-9 Came to Replace IAS-39Shareholders are very important for an organization, as they have a direct linkage with the financial position of the companies. Organizations always have a careful consideration towards their shareholders because they have the idea that satisfaction of the shareholders is extremely important for their operat ions. Shareholders mainly concerned with the profitability of the company and with the management of the financial assets as well (, p.66).One of the major concerns that initiated and came over the screen during the current global financial crisis was the irresponsiveness from the companies towards their shareholders. The confidence of the shareholders got blur with the passage of time during the economic hardship. One of the major reasons behind the shaking of confidence of the shareholders is the inappropriate valuation, recognition and management of the financial assets of the companies. Precisely, it can be said that the level of manipulation was extremely high in this particular time period due to which the level of dissatisfaction of the shareholders was on a higher node (, p.70).The financial reporting standards are very much in the favor of satisfying the needs of the shareholders, and that is why they replaced IAS-39 with IFRS-9 because they think that the c hanges will certainly bring positivity in this particular provision. The core working on the replacement of IFRS-9 was accelerated in the response to the financial crisis. Interested parties that also include the G-20 and Financial Advisory Group highlighted the timeliness of the measurement and recognition of the expected loss in credit. Apart from the recognition of credit, it is also highlighted the complexity in the multiple impairment models and own credit issues that needed to be considered. IASB and IFRS worked closed to each other to develop such a perfect impairment and valuation model from which they can satisfy the needs of their shareholders in a best possible manner. The development as well as the replacement of IFRS-9 was not a piece of cake. Throughout the life cycle of this project, IASB has consulted with the shareholders and constituents over their stance of implementing the new standards (, p.45). Lots of shareholders had furnished their concerns over the old IAS-39, because it has lots of flaws in it. Shareholders are concerned with the measurement and recognition of the actual value of the financial assets and included in the financial reports. Shareholders showed their concerns over the stance of the preparation of financial statements along with fluctuation in some of the major financial ratios. Shareholders also furnished that without proper valuation and implementation of fair value of accounting, it is not possible for the shareholders to park their money in the stocks of the company. Shareholders donà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬t have any idea regarding the total amount of equity of the company along with Return on Equity (ROE).IFRS-9 came into being for the replacement of IFRS-39 to overcome on the problems and issues highlighted by the shareholders. Obviously, without shareholders no organization can sustain for long in an industry, and they required extensive analysis to overcome on the challenges ac...

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